A commitment to service is one of the fundamental pillars of the Outward Bound philosophy.

In our view, service goes beyond mere acts of volunteerism or charity. Acts of service in our programs are designed to challenge participants to transcend their personal boundaries and prioritize the needs of others. 

Whether our service activities are community projects, conservation efforts, or social initiatives, these experiences are integrated into Outward Bound programs with the goal of making positive changes in our own lives and in the world at large. 

Below are a few ways our students and community members join us in service:

Service While on Course

POBS expeditions take place in natural settings, providing an ideal platform for students to actively contribute to environmental conservation efforts, also known as Leave No Trace. Students may engage in activities such as trail maintenance, habitat restoration, or litter clean-up. These actions help instill a sense of responsibility towards the environment and create a tangible impact on the local ecosystem. See related article: Service in the Wild.

Service Projects in the Community

Students and POBS Alumni may collaborate with community organizations or engage in projects that address local needs.

This may involve activities such as assisting with community gardens, participating in infrastructure improvement projects, or supporting initiatives focused on education, healthcare, or social welfare.

Volunteer Opportunities at POBS

POBS hosts volunteer opportunities several days throughout the year such as MLK Day, Love Your Park, and others. Sign-up forms are posted online in the days and weeks leading up to each event.

Volunteer Opportunities at The Discovery Center

The Discovery Center hosts weekly volunteer opportunities that anyone can sign up for.

Customized Group Service Days

The Philadelphia Outward Bound School offers service opportunities for groups to give back to their communities. Outward Bound will work to design a custom service project that addresses the specific needs at hand.