We’ve built vital partnerships with the School District of Philadelphia and other youth-serving organizations across the region. Our valuable connection to these organizations and the students they serve allows us to work with each partner to create custom-designed programs that support their needs and learning objectives.  We invite you to join the following schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations, as a partner of the Philadelphia Outward Bound School.


A. Randolph Career Academy *
Allan Myers
Alliance for Watershed Education
Arcadia University
Audubon Mid-Atlantic
Belmont Charter H.S.
Bethune E.S.+
Better Tomorrows
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia#
Blaine E.S. +
Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia #
Boys Latin of Philadelphia H.S.
C.B. Community School
The Cliffs #
Community Academy of Philadelphia Charter School
The Crefeld School
Cristo Rey Philadelphia H.S.
Crozer Chester Medical
Currently Trending #
DeSales University
Dick E.S. +
Drexel University
Duckrey E.S. +
Ed Snider Youth Hickey Foundation
Edison H.S. *
FamCom #
FHI 360
Frankford H.S. *
Freire Charter School
Friends Central
George Washington Carver H.S. of Engineering and Science
George Washington H.S. *
Gideon E.S. +
Good Grief

Hand2Paw #
Heights Philadelphia
Independence Charter School
Inspiring Minds of Greater Philadelphia #
Kenderton E.S. +
Kensington CAPA H.S. *
Kensington H.S. *
Kensington HSA H.S. *
Lankenau Environmental Science Magnet High School
Laurel Hill Cemetery
Leadership Philadelphia
The LINC H.S. *
Lingelbach E.S.
Maritime Charter School
Martin Luther King H.S. *
Masterman H.S.
Mastery Charter Schools
Mitchell E.S.
New Options More Opportunities #
Northeast H.S. *
Oak Street Health
One Day at a Time (ODAAT) #
Overbrook Education Center
Overbrook H.S. *
Patina Health, Inc.
Penn Treaty H.S. *
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Peter's Place
Philadelphia Eagles
Police Athletic League–North Penn #
Pollock School
PowerCorps PHL

Project HOME #
Roberto Clemente M.S. +
Roxborough H.S. *
Russell Byers Charter School
Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School
Sayre H.S. *
School of the Future *
SDP Office of Climate and Culture
SDP Office of Student Support Services
South Philadelphia H.S. *
Springside Chestnut Hill
St. Hubert Catholic High School
St. James School
St. Mary’s Interparochial School
Strawberry Mansion H.S. *
Summer Search Philadelphia
Swenson Arts and Technical High School *
TEAM Inc. #
Temple University
Thomas Jefferson University
TMNA Services
Tower Hill School
The U School *
The University of Pennsylvania
Uplift Center for Grieving Children
Vaux Big Picture H.S. *
W.B. Saul H.S.
W.D. Kelley E.S. +
West Chester Area School District
The Wharton School
Williamson College of the Trades
Wissahickon Charter School/Awbury
Wissahickon Charter School/Fernhill
YEAH Philly #
* 9th Grade Academy
+ Learning Network 11
# Community Organization

Thank you for your partnership!