2022 Annual Report

…The LINC H.S. * Lingelbach E.S. Maritime Charter School Martin Luther King H.S. * Masterman H.S. Mastery Charter Schools Mitchell E.S. NeuroFlow New Options More Opportunities # Northeast H.S. *…

Admissions and Cancellation Policies

…capacity, three waitlist positions become available. To join a course’s waitlist, click “Join Waitlist” to begin the application process. A $500 deposit is required. This $500 deposit includes a $150…

Inspiring Outdoor Leaders: Emma ‘Grandma’ Gatewood

…grateful to share that experience with expedition participants.   Written by Lottie Appel and Laura Gates, sourced from: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2015/01/05/grandma-gatewood-survived-domestic-violence-to-walk-the-appalachian-trail-alone-at-67/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65rX0lOMF5w and POEM BY EMMA GATEWOOD Images: https://www.smliv.com/outdoors/pioneer-of-the-appalachian-trail/ https://www.adventure-journal.com/2020/05/emma-gatewood-survived-domestic-abuse-to-become-an-appalachian-trail-legend/ and…

Did a Woman Lead the First Outward Bound Expedition?

…Sense Publishers Denise Mitten, PhD and Dan Miller (2016). Webinar – Out of Our Corsets and Into the Woods https://youtu.be/TAec-AcXHQU https://www.apmreports.org/episode/2015/09/10/kurt-hahn-and-the-roots-of-expeditionary-learning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outward_Bound https://www.apmreports.org/episode/2015/09/10/kurt-hahn-and-the-roots-of-expeditionary-learning https://www.aee.org/the-marina-ewald-and-kurt-hahn-address Outward Bound California Facebook Post 2019….

We’re Hiring: Executive Director

…relationships with diverse stakeholders (e.g., staff, board of trustees, foundations, school district leadership, corporations, government agencies, elected officials, community leaders). Experience effectively communicating key data to share stories of impact….

Scholarship Application Confirmation

…Coordinator, Hanibal Gnahoui. We will be sending you some emails with links to remind you, and a few other helpful messages along the way. [arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJtdOOdP5Mg” /] [arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3uVTcceg9o” /]…

Giving Tuesday 2021

…set a challenging but attainable goal of raising $7,500. Our Goal Was Exceeded! Thanks to your generosity, our Giving Tuesday goal of $7,500 was exceed by almost $4,000. Thank you!…