Course Area Wildlife Photos!

Our students head out on expedition without their phones, but we do provide each crew with a camera to document their time in nature. There are usually a few wildlife photos that come back, and we thought it would be fun to share them to give you an idea of what kinds of critters students… READ MORE >

Making the wilderness their house

By Tom Waring  Seventeen Northeast High School students recently completed their freshmen year with a unique experience outside the classroom – hiking and canoeing at the Delaware Water Gap. Nine students hiked for five days, from June 3-7, while eight navigated canoes for the week. The teenagers had no cell phones or traditional ways to… READ MORE >

POBS Holds First Partner Breakfast

On May 6, POBS convened its first-ever Expedition Launch Partner Breakfast, celebrating the beginning of program season with funders, trustees, and school partners. Attendees heard from two students from Northeast High School about their experiences on course; from POBS board members Claire Robertson-Kraft (founder of ImpactED) and Crystal Edwards (principal at W.D. Kelley Elementary School),… READ MORE >

Why Experiential Learning Makes for Great Corporate Teambuilding

Experiential learning simply means learning by doing. As we practice it here at Outward Bound with OB Pro, or Outward Bound Professional, it is like a breath of fresh mountain air for corporate teams seeking to strengthen their bonds and cultivate leadership prowess. Picture this: your team, surrounded by nature’s grandeur, facing challenges that demand… READ MORE >

Celebrating 25 Years of Jennifer Raymond

On Friday, March 22, all of us at POBS were THRILLED to honor our own Jennifer Raymond for 25 years of service to Outward Bound by throwing a surprise party for her at our Wigard Avenue location in the Wissahickon, AND renaming Goal Pole #1 after her! Not only that, she will be honored at our Gala… READ MORE >