POBS Alumni Dragon Boat Team Formation - Info Session

On Saturday, April 13, 2024, come out and meet POBS alumni as we form a 2024 Dragon Boat team to defend our 2023 Gold Medal win!
This will be our third year racing and we are excited to have fellow Outward Bound alum Dave Kunz back as our coach. On Saturday, April 13, Dave will give a presentation on Dragon Boat racing, go over what is involved and our practice schedule, and answer any questions. We will also take part in some Outward Bound team-building activities and enjoy some refreshments.
You must be an Outward Bound Alumni to join. Being on the team means attending practices on the river 3 or 4 times leading up to race day on Saturday, June 1, 2024. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY!
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Place: The Moose Room at the University Barge Club
7 Boathouse Row, Philadelphia 19130
Note: this year team members will chip in for the race registration fee. Cost for students is $20; for adults $40 (these fees are NOT due on April 13, this event is free to attend).
FYI: Practice dates are the following three Monday evenings at 5:30 sharp: April 22, May 13, and May 20.
Even if you are just curious, come on out and join us for refreshments and a peek inside a Philadelphia Boathouse. RSVP now!
POBS Dragons Win the Gold at the 2023 Independence Dragon Boat Regatta