Celebrating 25 Years of Jennifer Raymond

On Friday, March 22, all of us at POBS were THRILLED to honor our own Jennifer Raymond for 25 years of service to Outward Bound by throwing a surprise party for her at our Wigard Avenue location in the Wissahickon, AND renaming Goal Pole #1 after her! Not only that, she will be honored at our Gala… READ MORE >

February 2024 Newsletter

Better Together: Our Partnership with the School District of Philadelphia The Philadelphia Outward Bound School (POBS) began its partnership with the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) over 30 years ago. Today, we celebrate this extraordinary partnership which has evolved and strengthened over the years. Read why POBS and the SDP are Better Together > Want… READ MORE >

January 2024 Newsletter

Meet the Science Behind Outward Bound Magic: The Domains of Thriving! The Domains of Thriving is a tool centered on the social-emotional areas of human development that students experience on an Outward Bound course. It serves as a framework for instructors to plan curriculum and activities as well as a guide for evaluating program impact…. READ MORE >

December 2023 Newsletter

From Public School Teacher to Outward Bound Instructor They say retirement is a new adventure. After 34 years teaching in the School District of Philadelphia, Kerry Lubin, seen kneeling with students above right, jumped at the chance to become an Outward Bound instructor. Read his story > Why I Support Philadelphia Outward Bound School It’s… READ MORE >

From public school teacher to Outward Bound instructor

A guest blog post by Kerry Lubin When I was a kid, my elementary school didn’t have a physical education teacher, so I ended up going to the library to get books on how to play football and basketball, and I taught myself how to play. Then I taught the neighborhood kids how to play…. READ MORE >

Why I support Philadelphia Outward Bound School

It’s All About Transforming Lives Through Outdoor Experiential Learning Adventures By Northeast High School Teacher Andrew Adams Hey! Are you an Experiential Learning Advocate? I am. Here’s why: Life’s peaks and valleys are conquered the same way — step by step. It’s the journey, with struggles and triumphs, that shapes our adventure, and in Outward… READ MORE >

Williamson students engage in learning expeditions with POBS

Dec 10, 2023 For the past four years, Williamson College of the Trades has literally and figuratively been taking its freshman orientation program to new heights thanks to engagement with Philadelphia Outward Bound School (POBS). Williamson leadership connected with POBS, a nonprofit experiential education organization that serves people of all ages and backgrounds through active… READ MORE >