Lessons from the wilderness: SCH kicks off 9th grade

by Griffy Whitman and Benje Whitman (SCH students) On the first day of school at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, most Upper School students go to their classes and meet their new teachers — but not everyone. Every year, while 10th through 12th graders read over their syllabi and start getting back into the swing of… READ MORE >

POBS Educators Week In the News!

Educators Week 2024 saw over 500 teachers and staff from 9 schools and the School District of Philadelphia come to POBS to prepare for the start of the school year. It was our pleasure to help these schools rally around their teachers so they can hit the ground running – using the same activities and educational… READ MORE >

Making the wilderness their house

By Tom Waring  Seventeen Northeast High School students recently completed their freshmen year with a unique experience outside the classroom – hiking and canoeing at the Delaware Water Gap. Nine students hiked for five days, from June 3-7, while eight navigated canoes for the week. The teenagers had no cell phones or traditional ways to… READ MORE >