Measurable Moments and Lasting Impact: POBS 2024

Text, graphics, and video by Emily Della Fera, Associate Director of School District Partnerships

In 2024, POBS participants didn’t just conquer physical challenges; they grew as individuals. Students reported improvements in courage, teamwork, and self-awareness — proof that the power of adventure creates lasting impact. Measurable moments include:

  • We served 7,325 participants across 123 schools, community organizations, and businesses in the Philadelphia area.
  • We sent out 61 expedition crews:
    • Students paddled 696 miles of river (equivalent to paddling the Delaware River 2.5 times).
    • They hiked 790 miles of the Appalachian Trail (equivalent to walking from Philadelphia to Jacksonville, FL).
  • Participants combined:
    • Climbed 68,663 vertical feet (about 3 Mt. Everests).
    • Traversed 62 miles of cable on our challenge courses (like walking the full length of Broad Street five times).

But the real impact wasn’t just the physical feats — it was in the personal growth. Overall, participants showed the most improvement in Group Relationships, Self-Regulation, and Perseverance, particularly in our 5-day+ expedition programs.

In our day programs (averaging 4 hours), growth was strongest in Group Relationships, Teamwork, and Physical Confidence.

These outcomes are apparent, not only in the data, but also in what we hear during the course. As one participant put it, while standing on the central platform of the Aerial Teams Course, “I’m gonna do it, I’m gaining the confidence.” Another said, “If you go, I’ll go. Let’s do it.”

Total Percent Change From Start to Now

It’s the personal takeaways that truly highlight the value of these experiences. After completing an expedition, 79% of students reported feeling they had gained the courage to face new challenges — proof that the challenges they overcame on the river, trail, or rope courses left a lasting impact on their approach to life. In day programs, 72% of students reported becoming more aware of how to support those around them, showing that these programs fostered not only self-growth but a greater sense of community and empathy.

After Expedition

I have gained the courage to face new challenges

After Day Program

I am more aware of how to support those around me

Chaperones are seeing the change too. One shared, “They didn't realize how mentally healthy they would feel, disconnecting from their cellphones for so long. They have positive things to report to their peers about the excursion, and most say they would do it again.” Another mentioned that they are, “happy to have gone — hard, but worth it.” 

2024 showed the power of adventure to build resilience, foster connection, and inspire confidence. We’re excited to continue this journey in 2025!