Why the World Needs Outward Bound

Article courtesy of Outward Bound International.

Established in 1941 amidst the harrowing circumstances of World War II, Outward Bound was a trailblazer in offering an “authentic, rigorous, and adventurous ‘training for life’ program.” This initiative stood out as a significant departure from the conventional educational models of the time, focusing on equipping young people with the skills and mindset to navigate an unpredictable future.

Students from the William D. Kelley School on the Philadelphia Outward Bound School’s challenge course. Challenging activities  take participants to the edge of their capabilities to build resilience and self-confidence.

Fast forward to the present day, and the relevance of Outward Bound’s core principles has only intensified in the face of a myriad of complex, evolving social, economic, and environmental challenges. The last decade, especially the most recent 4 years, has seen an acceleration in the urgency of addressing several critical issues:

Rising Mental and Physical Health Challenges: Young people across the globe are increasingly grappling with mental and physical health issues, a situation exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic’s unprecedented impact has highlighted the need for resilience and mental fortitude in facing such global crises.

Global Climate and Biodiversity Crisis: The escalating threat to our planet’s climate and biodiversity underscores the necessity for environmental stewardship and awareness, aligning closely with Outward Bound’s ethos of connecting with and respecting the natural world.

Social Isolation, Fragmentation, and Polarization: In an era where technology plays a dominant role in our lives, the resultant social isolation, fragmentation, and polarization are more pronounced than ever. This scenario stresses the importance of real-world connections and interpersonal skills, areas where Outward Bound programs excel.

Employability Challenges and Skill Gaps: There is a growing disconnect between the skills imparted by formal education and those required in the modern workforce. Outward Bound’s focus on practical, life-based learning helps bridge this gap, emphasizing the development of skills crucial for employability and adaptability in a dynamic job market.

These issues have been recognized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as among the most significant risks humanity faces. In a time that should be ripe with opportunities, people globally are increasingly finding themselves disconnected – from their inner selves, from others, and from the natural environment. Many suffer from low self-confidence, a lack of physical activity and nature exposure, and a deficiency in foundational “life skills” crucial for employability, positive well-being, and realizing their full potential.

Students from Science Learning Academy High School in Philadelphia on expedition in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Outward Bound instructors are trained to help students learn more about themselves, how they interact with others, and about the natural environment.

Outward Bound, with its extensive history, global reach, and multi-level engagement capacity (local, regional, and global), is uniquely positioned to address these pressing needs. The organization’s pioneering “outdoor learning” approach directly tackles the global risks identified by the WEF by offering “a broader space for learning.” These empowering educational programs encourage participants to spend immersive time in nature. This immersion fosters deeper connections with themselves, with others, and with the natural world. It also builds personal and social resilience, crucial in addressing the aforementioned global challenges.

“Outward Bound transcends individual differences and kindles within each of us a sense of community. The wilderness environment allows one’s veneers to slip away, and each person can grow through daring to risk, to care, and to share with others. As an educational forum, Outward Bound offers true learning, involving heart, mind and body, in a way that will last a lifetime.”

– Kurt Hahn, Co-founder of Outward Bound>

Outward Bound’s programs are more than just outdoor adventures; they are a comprehensive approach to learning and personal development. By facilitating experiences that challenge and inspire, Outward Bound helps individuals to develop not just survival skills for the physical world, but also the mental and emotional resilience needed in today’s complex society. This approach ensures that participants are not only prepared to face the world’s current challenges but are also equipped to be proactive agents of positive change, capable of shaping a better future for themselves and their communities.