March 2023 Newsletter

Did a Woman Lead the First Outward Bound Expedition? Yes. Her name was Marina Ewald and she initiated the birth of expeditionary learning. Ewald was a geographer and co-director of the Salem School in Germany, the first school Hahn founded. In 1925 Ewald put together and led an expedition to Finland for students of the… READ MORE >

Did a Woman Lead the First Outward Bound Expedition?

Yes, her name was Marina Ewald. Kurt Hahn is known as the founder of Outward Bound and the father of experiential education. Less widely known is his colleague who initiated the birth of expeditionary learning, a woman named Marina Ewald. Ewald was a geographer and co-director of the Salem School, the first school Hahn founded. In… READ MORE >

February 2023 Newsletter

Wilderness First Responder Training at POBS This month, POBS instructors participated in Wilderness First Responder (WFR) training at The Discovery Center. Read more > Building Adventure is Back! Our legendary peer-to-peer fundraiser, Building Adventure, is returning on October 20, 2023, and YOU are invited! Read more > Join the POBS Alumni Dragon Boat Team! Join us on… READ MORE >

How Could I Leave This Amazing Job?

Later this summer I’ll be resigning my position at the Philadelphia Outward Bound School. This was a bittersweet decision for me and I would only be leaving to tackle something really significant – and challenging – next.  I’m planning to write a novel! This has been a lifelong dream, and my experiences at POBS have… READ MORE >

Building Adventure 2023

Philadelphia Outward Bound School’s legendary peer-to-peer fundraiser, Building Adventure, is returning on October 20, 2023, and YOU are invited! Get out of your comfort zone (and have a blast) rappelling 30 stories down the wall of Two Commerce Square in Center City Philadelphia, all while supporting transformative learning opportunities in the outdoors for thousands of… READ MORE >

January 2023 Newsletter

Guest Blog Post by Northeast High School Teacher Andrew Adams We Must All Row the Boat We Find Ourselves In Northeast High School teacher Andrew Adams shares his thoughts on the Appalachian Trail and Outward Bound, and how both inspire him to make education more relevant to students. Read post > Our Favorite Photos of… READ MORE >